Integrated Pain Specialist Las Vegas

Integrated Pain Specialist in Las Vegas, Nevada, provides treatment for a wide array of pain conditions. Below is a general overview of commonly treated conditions. For specific information on your individual pain case, please contact our office for a consultation.
We specialize in treating Low back pain, Mid back pain, Neck pain, Herniated disk, Spinal Stenosis , Lumbar radiculopathy, (sciatica), Facet syndrome, Sacroiliac dysfunction, Whiplash syndrome, Failed back surgery syndrome, Shoulder/elbow/hand tendonitis, Hip/knee/foot pain, Myofascial/muscle pain, Cancer pain, Work-related injuries, Repetitive strain injuries, Sports injuries, Carpal/cubital/radial/tarsal tunnel syndrome, Peripheral nerve entrapment (neuropathy), Neuropathic (nerve) pain, Shingles/post-herpetic neuralgia, Arthritis, Post-surgical pain, Headaches (including migraines),TMJ syndrome, Diabetic neuropathy, Spinal cord injury and spasticity, Complex regional pain syndrome / RSD, and Chronic pain syndrome. Contact us to set up an appointment if you are suffering from any of these problems listed here. We are here to help you at any of our locations in the Las Vegas Valley. Call Integrated Pain Specialist Today 702-968-6259

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